High School Classic

Experience a true British welcome with a caring host family and attend school alongside local students. The ultimate cultural experience and a great investment in your future!

High School Select

A wide range of options allows students to personalise their exchange!

Join our team

Become a Local Support Coordinator

Optional Tours

Explore the UK and Ireland!

Host a student

Become a host family

Work with us

Become an InterStudies partner

Immersion programmes

Short term programmes lasting from 2-12 weeks, starting throughout the year

InterStudies in the UK

At InterStudies we offer a wide range of programmes which allow our students to experience the very best of the United Kingdom, from short immersion programmes to full academic programmes. Our students experience British culture first hand! They’ll learn, explore and have fun, and when they go home they will have grown. They will understand a different culture, speak fluent English, and have gained experience and knowledge that will stay with them for the rest of their life.

Outstanding support

Outstanding support

We have a unique three-tier system to make sure that we can provide the right level of support for each and every one of our students. Each student is allocated a Local Support Coordinator (LSC) who is there to help and guide them throughout the programme and who can provide everyday assistance and advice. Students can also contact our Student Ambassador who is there to help when they might want to speak with someone who is not so close to home. Our Head Office support team is also there to assist and all students and host families have access to our 24-hour emergency service if urgent assistance is required outside office hours.

We also have an InterStudies app, which is available to all students. This provides support, information, news and details of trips in one easy-to-use tool, and it’s a great way to get in touch quickly and easy.

InterStudies. Excellent and affordable programme range

Educational excellence
Helping international students to achieve their ambitions!
Welcoming host families
Providing a safe base for our students and a unique opportunity to experience British culture
Dedicated support
Our support team is there to support each and every one of our students - all the way through their experience in the UK

Everything is perfect, I feel the luckiest girl in the world. I couldn't be happier than I am. I have a beautiful family and a fantastic host sister. I love them!

High School in the UK

On our High School programme in the UK, students will stay with an InterStudies host family and attend school alongside local students. Once they arrive at their host family and start attending school, they will need to study, attend classes and do their homework! In return, they will have an exceptional opportunity to experience everyday life in a British school, and make friends with local students as well as other exchange students from around the world.

Students can choose to study on our classic High School programme, or if they have a specific request, take a look at our College Select and Regional Choice programmes.

Programme Highlights

Let us guide you through the options

High School Select

Our Select programme is tailor-made to meet the needs of each student. We have selected the best schools and colleges and the highest quality educational programmes Britain has to offer, and our dedicated and experienced team are ready to help select the best option for each student. We aim to ensure that every student gets the best experience and highest value from their stay in the UK.

The Select programme lets students decide which school they want to attend, for how long, and what they want to study. Students can undertake A-levels, an International Baccalaureate or vocational qualifications. Courses can last from 4 weeks to 2 years, and can qualify students for university entry in the UK and around the world.

Programme Highlights

Great locations
Students can choose from a wide range of locations, including some of England's most iconic cities
A wide range of subjects
Our colleges offer over 50 different subjects, including traditional academic options as well as some newer subjects students may not be able to find elsewhere!
Host family or halls
A caring and welcoming host family or a taste of independent living in supervised student halls? We offer both options
Amazing facilities
Students at our colleges have access to state of the art facilities, ranging from science labs to recording studios

My year in college was amazing, a lot of new experiences and life-changing moments

InterStudies. Working with the best colleges in the country

Bexhill College
Chichester College
Worthing College
Exeter College
Varndean College
York College
South Devon College
Brockenhurst College
East Sussex College
Itchen College
Weymouth College
Portsmouth College

InterStudies: A great range of programmes

A great experience!
Experience life in a British school and get a taste of living and studying abroad!
Family life
Immerse yourself in the true British culture with one of our welcoming host families
Tea, toast and traditions!
Experience British culture and explore the local area around your host family

Everyone is really nice and I talk to a lot of people, I really like the school so far!

Academic Immersion

Our Academic Immersion programmes are designed to give students an opportunity to immerse themselves into the local culture with a taste of life as a high school student in the UK. Students live with a host family, taking part in family life and joining in family activities.

During the week, students will attend a local school, mixing with local students, making friends and experiencing school life. Outside school, they are given the option of joining activities and local trips with other international students. An academic immersion programme is a great opportunity for students to get a taste of studying abroad while experiencing a foreign culture and perfecting their language skills.

Programme Highlights

Let us guide you through the options

Cultural Immersion

Staying with a local family for a period of time provides the opportunity for students to not only improve their English by talking to their host family and other people they meet, but also to immerse themselves in the British culture and way of life. They can choose their programme length between one and eight weeks, and our start dates are flexible to suit the student.

Programme Highlights

Family life
Live with a British family, learn about their culture and share in their everyday life and traditions
Great experiences
Living abroad is a great way to gain skills and experience that are a great investment in the future!
Language skills
Living with a British family and speaking English all day is one of the best ways for students to improve their language skills

The family environment is great. They are all lovely and welcoming to me 🙂 After a few days I already felt like home, despite the differences.

This is what our students say:

Life in the UK

Life in the UK

The UK is home to over 66 million people and is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Whatever a student’s ambitions and interests, they’ll find that the UK has something to offer. From London, the bustling capital city with its iconic landmarks, to the mountains and lochs of the Scottish Highlands, there are lots of exciting opportunities waiting for our students wherever they are based.

Over the years, the UK’s culture and language have been influenced by immigration from many different countries. The UK’s towns and cities are multicultural, vibrant and diverse places, influenced by cultures and traditions from all around the world.

Become part of a British family and perfect your language skills!

Learn about British history and culture!

Discover beautiful coastlines and diverse cities!

School in the UK

Studying at a high school in the UK with InterStudies is an amazing opportunity to learn and study while experiencing the British culture first hand! The school day starts at around 9am in most schools, and finishes around 4pm. Students will be able to walk, cycle or take public transport to school. They will have lunch in the school canteen (most students take a packed lunch from their host family) and many schools offer sports or other activities at lunchtime and after school. They’ll be expected to wear uniform, so will quickly blend in with local students.

In England and Wales, our students will study with local students who are working towards their GCSEs if they are 14 or 15 years old. They’ll study between eight and ten subjects, some of which they will be able to choose themselves. If they are aged 16-18, they’ll study with students working towards their A-levels. Here, students will usually study three subjects, which they can choose. Students in Scotland study for their National 5s at the age of 15-16, before moving on to study for Highers and Advanced Highers.

“School life here is completely different from what I am used to, and at the beginning it was a challenge to be studying in a different language. But I made friends and socialised which really helped. My favourite subjects are History and French. This exchange also gave me the opportunity to consider my future options, like going to university.”

 Angelica, Italian student in England

Age 5-11

Primary School

Age 11-16

Secondary School

Age 16-18

Sixth form

Attend school alongside local students!

Experience other cultures and make friends for life!

Study the subjects you love and prepare for your future!

Living with a host family

Our host families in the UK are looking forward to welcoming students! Students will take part in everyday life with their host family and have a great opportunity to fully immerse into the English language and experience the British way of life. A family may host other students at the same time, which will offer students a great opportunity to make international friends while making the most of their insight into the local culture.

When students arrive, we will make sure that they are met at the airport and taken to their host family. The host family will ensure that they settle in well. They will be shown their room, which may be shared. The host family may also host other students, in which case they will meet others in the same situation and have the opportunity to make international friends right from the start of the programme.

Our specially chosen host families are warm, welcoming and friendly. Students will be treated as a member of the family, welcomed into the home and involved in all aspects of family life.

There’s no typical host family – just like there is no typical family, and no typical student. Each and every host family undergoes a through application process and is interviewed by an InterStudies Local Support Coordinator before being accepted as an InterStudies host family. Many of our families have hosted with us for years; we know which student will fit with which family and we place a lot of importance on making a good match.

“I love hosting.  I always have dinner together with my students; we talk about how their days were, and if they have any problems, then we work together to solve them.”

Anita, host family in England

“We like to share our family. Family isn’t just blood – it’s who you choose to be. This experience enriches our lives and enriches the students’ lives.”

Julie, host family in England

“My host family have been brilliant – they are very cool! We do a lot together, such as salsa dancing, and we even went to a 1970s themed party together.”

Angelica, student in England

Living in Student Halls

If students choose to live in student halls, they will develop their independence as they live and study alongside local and fellow international students. Students in halls are supervised and have access to staff 24/7 in case they need assistance. Students will stay in catered or non-catered accommodation and form strong and long-lasting relationships with their housemates.

Our support team works closely with students, college staff and host families to ensure that each student feels happy, welcome and supported for the duration of their stay. Each student has a Local Support Coordinator who is in touch with them regularly.

A great chance to experience independent living in a safe and supervised environment

A friendly international environment with students from the UK and all over the world!

A wide range of activities, sports and trips keep students active and make it easy to meet new friends!

Outstanding local support

At InterStudies we take student support very seriously. Going on exchange is a big step. It is important to us that our students can always come to us for help and support, just as we know that their parents at home must be able to relax in the knowledge that their son or daughter is supported throughout their high school experience.

Each student is allocated a Local Support Coordinator (LSC) who is there to help and guide them throughout the programme and who can provide everyday assistance and advice. Throughout the programme, the LSC will keep in regular contact with their students. The LSC is there to advise, to solve any problems, and to make sure that students get the most out of their time in the UK.

“I would like to give feedback about my local coordinator… She has been absolutely amazing to all of us students. She have been making sure that our stay here has been without any problems and that we have been okay throughout the whole year… Her passion and love for her job really shines through.”

Cecilie, student in England

A friendly chat or practical advice - our Local Support Coordinators are there to help and support students throughout the programme.

Local knowledge - our Local Support Coordinators can help students find activities and integrate into the local community.

Great experiences - our Local Support Coordinators organise trips and activities for their students to experience the local area.

Explore with InterStudies

A great optional tours programme:

Scotland Tour

London tour

Some of the great feedback we have received

Join our team

Join our team

Join our InterStudies community! By becoming a Local Support Coordinator, you will play a key role in the experience of an international student and the host family who they stay with. You will help to foster intercultural understanding and build bridges between people, cultures and countries – making a real difference to so many lives. And you will be a vital figure in the life of InterStudies students, offering care and support.

Host a student with InterStudies

Become a host family

Become a host family

Join our InterStudies community! Hosting an international student will enrich your life in so many ways. You will be a key part of the experience for a student who has come to live and study in the UK. Our students come from all over the world to learn about the culture and the language in the UK. They live with a host family, go to school, and integrate into the local community.

InterStudies. Excellent and affordable programmes.

Become a partner

Become a partner

Join our InterStudies community! Students who wish to participate in our programmes apply through international partners. We choose our partners carefully, and place a great emphasis on working with partners who share our values and approach to high-quality educational programmes.

InterStudies. With you all the way.

Study with us

Study with us

Ready to apply? We are here to help you! Get in touch to start your InterStudies experience in the UK or Ireland!

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